Light Painting

13th August, 2019 – 7:45 pm to 10:00 pm

We're breaking out of the clubrooms and heading to the beach! Meeting point is at the end of Millers Road and to the right. You'll no doubt see us there.

A workshop exploring the use of light for painting on our cameras. We'll be looking at using manual mode during this workshop.

Entries due for Domesticity and Open, even though we're at the beach the competition box will still be available to receive your entries.

Bring a tripod, a wide lens: between 20 and 120mm, a headlamp or torch, a remote trigger, or know your timer settings.

It will be quite dark and it will be cold, so ensure you rug up for the evening. Also dark clothing is best as you might help out with the lighting and the darker your clothing the less you are likely to appear in the shot.

There will be a few stations on the night so we can spread out.


Workshop: Creative Workstations

We will explore aspects of photography and how we may use them in our creative process.

Bring along your camera, tripod, speed light flash, and macro lens.

Walker Close Community Centre
8th April 2025 7:30 pm
Judging: "Local Neighbourhood" and Open

Our second judging for the year, for our competition: Local Neighbourhood and Open

Judging nights are also supper nights. Bring along a plate to share.

Walker Close Community Centre
22nd April 2025 7:30 pm

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