
Competition 4 - Red and Open

Competition results for our forth round of competition for 2024 - "Red" and Open. Our judge for this competition was Bob Thomas.

Thanks to all members who entered this round of competition.

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Light Painting at Altona Beach

It was a calm, clear and mild night that attracted a large number of members to Altona Beach for our light painting activity.  I got to the beach around 7.15pm which I thought was early and walked to our usual spot only to find a huge line of tripods with hardly a spot left.

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Autumn Colours Bright Weekend Away

The weekend of 10-12 May saw 20 Members and family head to Bright.  Although the Club has been to Bright before (not in my time) there is certainly plenty to see and photograph.  

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Trentham Spudfest 2024

On May 4th, members of the Williamstown Camera Club attended the vibrant Trentham Spudfest in Trentham, Victoria. This unique festival celebrates the region's rich potato farming heritage with a plethora of activities, and the photographers were there to capture every memorable moment.

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Competition 1 Photo Review

The photo reviews are back for 2024

Something we started during COVID times when the judge had left us after a judging, photo reviews are us jumping through the competition entries as a club and discussing the images and the judges comments about them.

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Competition 1 - Monochrome and Open

Competition results for our first round of competition for 2024 - Monochrome and Open. Our judge for this round was Ian Bock.

We welcome the return of prints in this competition and throughout this year. Thank you to all members entering in both formats.

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Workshop: Portraiture

A look at the upcoming portraiture course by our in-house portrait team. More details to come.

Entries due for competition 5: Landscape and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
13th August 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: You Yangs Visit

Let's take a short trip to the You Yangs Regional Park and capture an array of images: Landscapes, intimate landscapes, macro, etc

You Yangs Regional Park
18th August 2024 10:00 am

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