Art In Public Places 2014 Club Installation

As displayed at Victoria Inn, Williamstown

© James Troi

Today is the official start of Art In Public Places in Hobsons Bay. Like the years prior Williamstown Camera Club have set up a showing at the Victoria Inn in Williamstown with 28 photos on display.

Our showing at the Victoria Inn was made possible through submissions by our members. These photos then went through a selection process by the committee, the chosen photos were collated by the competition steward, printed and mounted by me and hung at the Vic Inn by Graeme and David. So in short it was a massive team effort.

Now, in mounting the images I have to admit I made a mistake. When I bought the supplies I asked for help regarding the mounting. I've never done it before, so I bought the spray adhesive recommended but I think it was the wrong one. So some of the prints appear to have divots in them, I'm guessing because the acid-free adhesive still reacted with the foam board. For that I apologise. I have paid in blood for my error, losing a chunk of the pad of my left index finger to a stanley knife while trimming the images. Thankfully a bartender at the Vic Inn is also a nurse and she patched up.

You can see the display at the Victoria Inn on 65 - 67 Douglas Parade, Williamstown until April 30, 2014.

Thanks to all of those who submitted images. Hopefully we can all find time to visit our installation and those of the other artists in and around Hobsons Bay.

We haven't organised an official launch this year, we'll probably organise a group dinner shortly.

You can seem some less than stellar photos of the installation below, taken with my iPhone in varying degrees of harsh morning light streaming through the Vic Inn's windows.

Click on any image above to see a larger view.


Presentation: Infrared Photography - David Marland

We will take a look at the art of Infrared Photography and the equipment used to make such beautiful imagery.

Entries due for VAPS Competition subject is open - Prints and Digital images accepted

Walker Close Community Centre
25th February 2025 7:30 pm
Photo Opportunity: Blue Lotus Water Garden

Join us for a day out at the Blue Lotus Water Garden. A great location for a few different types of photography. 

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Blue Lotus Water Garden
2nd March 2025 11:00 am

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