Paper Bag Challenge - 2019 Edition

Paper Bag Challenge 2019 © WCC Members

Our Tuesday night meeting welcomed the annual Paper Bag Challenge. A night where members are presented with a mystery item and are asked to create an image with that item. Over the years members have become wise to the madness and bring along props that may or may not work with the mystery item. It's a great night that tests our abilities to think on the spot and make images with the presented item, props brought in, and found items and locations around us.

This year, it was all about the PEG.

I was excited to see, and surprised by, the ingenuity of our members. Their willingness to embrace the subject and work with in the confines of time and subject, as well as working in groups was joyful to watch. We got some great photos presented from our groups, and having wandered around during the evening, I know there are some really good photos that didn't make it up onto the big screen as groups were encouraged to only submit one or two images from their group.

Some groups chose to consolidate their efforts on a single idea, while others individually worked on concepts and ideas... on the night of a Paper Bag Challenge, anything goes.

One member brought in a hubcap, which lead to jovial queries as to whether we had to check our cars before we left to see if it were our own. Some members offered themselves up as the subject and found themselves in a painful embrace of pegs adorning their face... ouchy! Funny, but ouchy. We also had some using interesting items as gobos to cast shaped shadows across their scenes.

Not all our ideas come out the way we might expect, but all up a fun night was had by all.

Big thanks to Karen who organised our mystery item, it can be difficult finding a subject for our members, but I think the Peg was just right!

Click on any image above to see a larger view.


Photo Shoot: Rodeo Geelong

Entertainment for the whole family. Cowkids hour, rides, great food and drinks, as you watch the pretty fast horses in the barrel racing, take the chance to get down and dirty with the steer wrestlers and lay your eyes on the fastest woman’s equine sport in the world - in the breakaway roping.

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Geelong Racecourse
8th February 2025 3:00 pm
Presentation: Welcome Back BBQ - Entering International Competitions

In addition to our welcome back BBQ, member Monique Whear will give a presentation on the whys and hows of entering competitions beyond our club.

We will also have a demonstration on Matt cutting and Leo Loque will do a short presentation on mounting methods to preserve your images.

BBQ from 7pm, Presentations and Zoom commences around 7:30pm

Entries due for our first round of competition: Monochrome and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
11th February 2025 7:00 pm

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