
Apollo Bay Weekend Away 2021

It was with much anticipation and expectation that our Apollo Bay weekend away finally arrived after many weeks of Covid 19 lockdown.

There were approximately 21 club members who attended, most arriving on a blustery, cold, Friday night, with most getting meals out and keeping out of the weather.

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Competition 1: Street Photography and Open

Happy New Year Everyone, our first competition entries are due at the first meeting of the year, members should have received an email from Tania, our Competition Steward. If you didn't receive an email can you please confirm we have your email address correct; shoot me an email

The first competition's set subject is "Street Photography" and we also have an open competition. 

Gayle provided a great list of street photographers for you to check out as inspiration: 

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Keith Hart





The committee and members of the Williamstown Camera Club mourn the passing of our long respected and dedicated member Keith Hart. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.

For more information, please contact the WCC Committee.


Williamstown Camera Club Celebrates 50 years

To celebrate the Williamstown Camera Club’s 50th birthday, the club will present an exhibition of their members’ photographs during the month of July at the Gallery at the Williamstown Library. Members will be exhibiting their favourite photographs and each image will be accompanied with a portrait of the photographer and a description of their chosen image.

The exhibition is free and runs from 1-31 July 2015. All members of the community are welcome to view the exhibition and learn more about the clubs activities.

The exhibition will be launched on Saturday, 4th July by Hobsons Bay Mayor Colleen Gates and original club founder, Trevor Young. This exhibition has been made possible by a grant from Hobsons Bay City Council.

The club has nearly one hundred active members drawn from suburbs spanning Williamstown, Wyndhamvale, Keilor East and Pascoe Vale.

The Williamstown Camera Club (WCC) was formed in 1965 by Trevor Young. Trevor now resides in Maryborough Victoria and at the ripe old age of eighty-nine remains a life member of the Williamstown Camera Club. He has passed on his love of photography to his children who are also keen photographers.

According to Trevor, the camera club originally evolved amongst the workers at the Naval Dockyard Williamstown but folded due to a lack of interest. Trevor then put an ad in the Williamstown Advertiser calling on interested people to join up.  From this point onwards the club has gone from strength to strength to its current membership. Trevor will be returning to Williamstown to be the guest of honour at the club’s official launch of the exhibition.

With almost 100 active members of varying ages and background, WCC is a friendly and welcoming club. Meetings are held twice a month and there is a range of activities conducted throughout the year. These include weekends away, various hands-on workshops and topic specific competitions. Throughout the history of the club members have been encouraged to enter photographic competitions with guest judges often commenting on the ‘welcoming and friendly’ atmosphere of the club.

The club has many long term members, including Neil Anderson, Margaret Turner, and Joan and Ron Bates, who have been in the club for three or four decades. Joan was given a life membership to recognise all the work she has done for the club.

Over the years the club has moved locations a number of times from its inaugural meeting held at the Welsh Presbyterian Church Hall, Ferguson Street, Williamstown with 36 members attending. The venue changed to the Methodist Church Hall, Pascoe Street and later re-located to a newly renovated building in Electra Street, Williamstown. Later again, it moved to Joan Kirner House in Thompson Street Williamstown. But with the rising popularity of digital photography membership has grown further over the past 4 years and the club has moved to bigger rooms at Walker Close, Altona North.

The Williamstown Camera Club is an affiliate of the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies (VAPS).  The club meets twice a month at Walker Close Community Centre, 180 Millers Road, Altona North.  The Williamstown Camera Club welcomes all members of the public who have a passion for photography.  Come along to one of the meetings as a guest. You might just be a member for the next 50 years!


Trevor Young



Trevor Young with one of his photographs. (Photo by James Troi)


Winner: The Juggling Act

Women's Health West recently ran a photo competition with the theme Equity and justice for women in the west: through women's eyes. This is a copy of my acceptance speech.

Wow – thank you to Women's health West for the opportunity to enter their competition and win this lovely prize for my photo of the juggling act.

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Judging: Judging: Negative Space & Open

Join us for the final round of judging for the year, Negative Space and Open

Entries Due for the End of Year Competition

Walker Close Community Centre
22nd October 2024 7:30 pm
Presentation: Lighting Still Life with Chrisy Dennis

Member Chrisy Dennis will let us in on her process for creating beautiful still life images through lighting.

Chrisy's presentation will show two studio lighting styles for still life or table top subjects. She has made the images using studio lighting, however speedlights will work just as well. Chrisy's subject and background are the same in both styles. The effect is achieved using different styles of lighting.

Walker Close Community Centre
12th November 2024 7:30 pm

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