Working with Mixed Lighting

9th May, 2017 – 7:45 pm to 10:00 pm

In this workshop we're going to be looking at balancing light.

Sometimes when you're making photos you need to even out light, particularly when you're shooting backlit portraits or portraits indoors where there is a strong or opposing light source encroaching through a window. We'll be looking at how you tackle this. We'll also be going into dealing with mixed lighting colours, making allowances for tungsten and fluorescent lighting.

A practical night, members are encouraged to bring along their camera, flash(es), tripod, reflectors. We will of course have some equipment on hand to help us, but it's often best to do prac work with your own equipment.

Entries due for our third competition: Abstract, Open and Novice AND Camberwell Interclub


Awards Night: End of Year Awards Dinner

The one where we celebrate the year that was 2024 and hand out awards!

Join us for a fun evening of socialising and food.

We will have the main course catered but bring along plate of nibbles or dessert to share as well as a drink or two.

Walker Close Community Centre
10th December 2024 7:00 pm

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