Benalla Weekend Away

Benalla Weekend Away © Margaret Turner
On the weekend of September 2nd–4th, 30 Members and family headed to Benalla for the only weekend organised for the year. After two years of uncertainty due to COVID, it was great that the planned weekend was not cancelled or interrupted in any way.
We enjoyed amazing weather – apparently better than Melbourne. On Friday night our group of travellers enjoyed a very nice meal at the Benalla Golf Club while our attending members caught up and discussed the plans for the weekend.
Saturday morning started with a sunrise shoot in Benalla followed by a wander around the Botanical Gardens and the streets of Benalla with their lovely street art.
We then headed out to Winton Wetlands where we had lunch at Lake Mokoan Café before exploring the Wetlands which had benefited from all the rain we've been having. Lots of birdlife, kangaroos, and great spots to shoot. It was a great background for a lovely sunset.
We rounded out the night with another lovely meal and the North Eastern Hotel, after which, some retired for the night to watch the football (unfortunately club favourite Western Bulldogs did not win their match).
Sunday morning sunrise location was back out at the Wetlands then we head to Goorambat and Devenish to view the Silos which form part of the Silo Art Trail.
After lunch at the Goorambat Hotel or café, most Members headed home with about 10 remaining to explore at their leisure. Some of the 10 even headed out on Sunday night for some Astro photography which was fun!