Competition 1: Street Photography and Open

Lunch time, 2005 © Jesse Marlow

Happy New Year Everyone, our first competition entries are due at the first meeting of the year, members should have received an email from Tania, our Competition Steward. If you didn't receive an email can you please confirm we have your email address correct; shoot me an email

The first competition's set subject is "Street Photography" and we also have an open competition. 

Gayle provided a great list of street photographers for you to check out as inspiration: 

Helen Levitt:

Vivien Maier:

Garry Winogrand:

Jesse Marlo:

Saul Leiter:

Robert Doisneau:

Henri Cartier-Bresson:

Remember a street photographer shouldn't be setting up their image, it's about capturing people as they go about their business most often unaware they have been caught on camera. Of course that doesn't mean you can't find a scene you'd like to use and wait for the perfect subject to cross its path, you just aren't supposed to be directing the scene and subjects. 

And don't be afraid of gloomy days... umbrellas and puddle jumping make for some great images. 

Get amongst the people and capture a "decisive moment"

Can't wait to see what you make of the first competition. 

Entries due February 9th. Digital entries only this time around send them to


Photo Shoot: Rodeo Geelong

Entertainment for the whole family. Cowkids hour, rides, great food and drinks, as you watch the pretty fast horses in the barrel racing, take the chance to get down and dirty with the steer wrestlers and lay your eyes on the fastest woman’s equine sport in the world - in the breakaway roping.

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Geelong Racecourse
8th February 2025 3:00 pm
Presentation: Welcome Back BBQ - Entering International Competitions

In addition to our welcome back BBQ, member Monique Whear will give a presentation on the whys and hows of entering competitions beyond our club.

We will also have a demonstration on Matt cutting and Leo Loque will do a short presentation on mounting methods to preserve your images.

BBQ from 7pm, Presentations and Zoom commences around 7:30pm

Entries due for our first round of competition: Monochrome and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
11th February 2025 7:00 pm

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