Competition 3 - Architecture and Open

3rd - B Grade: Set Digital - WTC Transportation Hub © Robyn Singleton
Competition results for our third competition of 2022 - Architecture and Open. Our judge was Adrian Smith.
Adrian's comments and feedback are available to financial members via our Closed Facebook Group and will soon be uploaded to our private YouTube Channel.
A Grade Set Digital - Architecture
Comp # | Title | Mark /15 | Place |
A036 | Convention Artistry | 15 | 1st |
A048 | Ten 3 Ten | 14 | 2nd |
A168 | The Chocolate Box | 11 | |
A179 | Looking Up Into the Reflected Windows | 11 | |
A219 | The Old and the New | 12 | HC |
A225 | Yellow Finger | 11 | |
A238 | Westgate Fwy | 13 |
A253 | Federation Pyramid | 11 |
B Grade Set Digital - Windows
Comp # | Title | Mark /15 | Place |
B008 | WTC Transportation Hub | 13 | 3rd |
B022 | Potter | 10 | |
B110 | Wings of a Spire |
12 |
HC |
B180 | Seafarers Arches | 11 |
B181 | Australian Icon | 12 | HC |
B185 | Labirynth Icon | 10 | |
B188 | Unknown Architect | 11 |
B211 | Waved Building | 10 | |
B212 | Seafarers Bridge | 12 | HC |
B220 | ETA | 12 | HC |
B221 | Emporium | 12 | HC |
B223 | Afternoon Glow at St Patrick's Cathedral | 12 | HC |
B226 | The Motel | 11 | |
B251 | Angles and Curves | 14 | 2nd |
B253 | Geelong Gaol | 11 | |
B256 | Melbourne Arcade Ceiling | 11 | HC |
B258 | Waiting for the Train | 15 | 1st |
B259 | Intricate Detail | 10 | |
B260 | Rundown | 9 |
A Grade Open Digital
Comp # | Title | Mark /15 | Place |
A036 | Rye Ocean Sunset | 13 | 3rd |
A048 | Spiral Staircase | 14 | 2nd |
A168 | Disconnected | 11 | |
A179 | Still Life #81 | 12 | HC |
A219 | Waiting at the Lights | 12 | HC |
A225 | Horizontal Lines | 11 | |
A238 | Hail Skatin | 12 | HC |
A253 | Going with the Flow | 15 | 1st |
B Grade Open Digital
Comp # | Title | Mark /15 | Place |
B008 | Contemplation | 12 | HC |
B022 | Lake Jubilee | 11 | |
B110 | Amongst the Stairs | 11 |
B153 | Cafe Doors | 11 | |
B180 | Stairs | 10 | |
B181 | ANZAC Memorial | 13 | 3rd |
B185 | Lazy Summers Afternoon | 11 | |
B188 | Dorothee | 12 | HC |
B207 | Lone Lilly | 11 | |
B211 | Sand Boarding | 11 |
B212 | Sunset Over Coles Bay | 15 | 1st |
B220 | Art & Industry | 11 | |
B221 | Old Shed | 11 | |
B226 | Olivia Seated | 14 | 2nd |
B251 | Light Painting | 12 | HC |
B256 | Seagull Taking Off | 12 | HC |
B258 | Dove in the Rain | 12 | HC |
B259 | Polination | 10 | |
B260 | Bird | 11 |
B258 | After the Storm | 13 | 2nd |
B259 | Reminicence Ramp | 12 | HC |
B260 | Open Crane | 11 |