Competition 4 - Autumn & Open

3rd - B Grade: Set Digital - Autumn © Karen Rog

The judging for our 4th competition "Open" & "Autumn" was held via Zoom. Our judge, Rob Morgan, joined us to share his thoughts on our images. Note, only digital images are being judged due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

If you missed the Zoom meeting it was recorded and a link will be sent to members and posted to our private Facebook group.

A Grade Set Digital

Number Comp # Title Mark /15 Place
1 A002 Quality Time at Waterhole 10
2 A019 Autumn Years 10
3 A036 Mansfield Autumn Tonings 12
4 A081 So Many Leaves to Fall 13 3rd       
5 A087 Last But Not the Leaf 11      
6 A165 The Fallen 14 1st
7 A179 Golden Autumn 13 2nd
8 A228 Kyneton Autumn 11
9 A229 Autumn 12
10 A048 Blowing Leaves 10

B Grade Set Digital

Number Comp # Title Mark /15 Place
1 B022 Autumn Reflections 13  
2 B104 Autumn 14 3rd
3 B180 Late Autumn 13
4 B181 Autumn Leaves 11
5 B185 Almost Empty Nest 14 HC
6 B188 Not Yet There 11
7 B207 Benched 13
8 B212 A Row of Autumn 13

9 B219 Bright is Bright 11
10 B221 Autumn in Myrtleford 13
11 B225 Autumnal Curtain 14 2nd
12 B226 Fruit of the Season 11
13 B227 Unfinished Autumnal Melody 15 1st
14 B236 White River 12

A Grade Open Digital

Number Comp # Title Mark /15 Place
1 A002 Lower Slot Canyon 14 3rd
2 A019 Bird Bath 11
3 A036 Mt Macedon Fungi 15 1st   
4 A048 Catching Air 10
5 A081 A Prickly Situation! 11  
6 A087 Serene 13      
7 A108 Take Off 14 2nd
8 A165 Beauty and the Beast 12
9 A179 Dance off the Dead Trees 12
10 A228 Celine and Her Bowie 13
11 A229 Geelong Pier 13 HC
12 A130 Juvenile Stilt 14 HC

B Grade Open Digital

Number Comp # Title Mark /15 Place
1 B022 Hamburger Satisfaction 13 HC
2 B063 The Migration 11
3 B176 A Day on the Lake 13 3rd
4 B180 Painted Stairs 11
5 B181 Stepping Stones 11
6 B185 Sunset 11  
7 B188 Take a Seat 13 HC   
8 B207 Morning Glare at Buckley 12
9 B212 Bluey 10  
10 B219 Textile Worker 11  
11 B221 Old Shed 10      
12 B225 A Path of Light 14 1st       
13 B226 Baby Doll 10
14 B227 The Resident Bird 14 2nd
15 B236 Country Lane 12
Click on any image above to see a larger view.


Workshop: Portraiture

A look at the upcoming portraiture course by our in-house portrait team. More details to come.

Entries due for competition 5: Landscape and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
13th August 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: You Yangs Visit

Let's take a short trip to the You Yangs Regional Park and capture an array of images: Landscapes, intimate landscapes, macro, etc

You Yangs Regional Park
18th August 2024 10:00 am

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