Lighting 101

Lighting 101 © SLR Lounge

Most have probably already heard of SLR Lounge, they offer a great range of tutorials and editorial for photography.

I recently came across two of their videos from the Lighting 101 course that I think would be extremely valuable to our members, and may be an enticement to take a look at their full course.

These are simple set-ups that will cost you a lot less than getting fancy studio lighting. You can get reflectors pretty cheaply on AliExpress or Ebay. Search for "Collapsable Reflector". Just note that they can both have long lead times on delivery, sometimes up to 60-days so order early! If you're working alone, you may also want to grab a few reflector holders too.

Using One On-Camera Flash to Create Multiple Light Sources. [watch on YouTube]

Using Overhead Bounce to Create Dramatic Lighting [Watch on YouTube]

Check out the full Lighting 101 course on the SLR Lounge Website. At the time of writing, this course was just US$99 for 9 hours of instruction across 60 videos. Seems like a bargain.

This is not a paid endorsement.


Presentation: Creative Photography - Adrian Donohue

Adrian will join us and let us into his process on how he creates his wonderfully creative images features his daughter.

Check out Adrian's work on  Instgram and Facebook

Entries due for our second competition: Local Neighbourhood & Open

Walker Close Community Centre
25th March 2025 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: Newport Lakes Visit

We venture to Newport Lakes Reserve. Another local location that offers a range of photo opportunities for members to explore.

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Newport Lakes Reserve
29th March 2025 10:00 am

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