Victorian State Rose Garden & Werribee Park

Victorian State Rose Garden © Leo Loque

It has been five very long months since we have been able to have an outing together due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions here in Victoria. Yesterday saw 31 Members and friends attend the outing at the State Rose Garden.

Everyone who attended were so grateful to be able to see each other, not on a screen, but in the flesh.

It did make it tricky trying to recognise each other behind our masks and we were all smiling in the group photo.

After checking in, we all spread out, wandering through the Gardens which were looking lovely considering there was little or no maintenance during the lockdown, down to the Grotto where some of us sat and watched the Eurasian Coot chicks for quite some time, with the parents not far away, and of course around the grounds of the Mansion.  There were some of us looking for the dragonflies but none to be found, at least my group couldn't locate any.

As it approached lunchtime, some Members met up down at the cafe and caught up further over lunch.  A good day was had by all!

Click on any image above to see a larger view.


Workshop: Portraiture

A look at the upcoming portraiture course by our in-house portrait team. More details to come.

Entries due for competition 5: Landscape and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
13th August 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: You Yangs Visit

Let's take a short trip to the You Yangs Regional Park and capture an array of images: Landscapes, intimate landscapes, macro, etc

You Yangs Regional Park
18th August 2024 10:00 am

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