You Yangs Visit

You Yangs 2024 © Ian Gofton

Eleven members plus a couple of friends and family left a very sunny Melbourne to head to the You Yangs Regional Park. As we drew closer to our destination, we could see the low cloud hanging over the You Yangs and that’s the way it stayed all morning. We met at the Turntable car park before heading out to explore the area.

Most of us opted to walk to Big Rock as it was an easier walk than climbing the 450 steps to Flinders Peak. Nearly all of us seemed to be suffering from either bad knees, hips or backs so the easy option was the logical choice. 

It is an interesting place as hundreds of huge textured rocks dominate the area with Big Rock dwarfing all the others. Panoramic views of the surrounding areas as far as the eye can see are breath-taking, but not very photogenic on a very dull morning. Dead trees are everywhere and made for interesting images with their bleached limbs and trunks.  Unfortunately, animals were nowhere to be seen except for seeing the back end of a kangaroo as it hopped out of site over a hill.

Although we didn’t have perfect photographic conditions, some interesting images were taken and everyone enjoyed the walk and the company of other members along the way.

Click on any image above to see a larger view.


Photo Shoot: Cranbourne Gardens

A visit to the beautiful Cranbourne Gardens. This location provides member with a no shortage of opportunity to practice their photography skills. Its vast area allows for landscape photos to be taken and it's array of plants, flowers and the creatures who call them home are perfect macro enthusiasts.

Cranbourne Gardens
19th October 2024 10:00 am
Judging: Judging: Negative Space & Open

Join us for the final round of judging for the year, Negative Space and Open

Entries Due for the End of Year Competition

Walker Close Community Centre
22nd October 2024 7:30 pm

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