
Competition 6 - Portrait and Open

Competition results for our sixth and final round of competition for 2023 - Portrait and Open. Our judge was our very own Brett Ferguson. As we no longer advise scores we will only be presenting the award winners. We do still receive scores from the judge so if you would like your score please contact Tania, our competition steward via and she will let you know.

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Wilson's Promontory Weekend Away

Our second planned weekend away for 2023 was to Wilson's Promontory, where 18 Members and families endured unfavourable weather conditions.  Our vice-president Karen Malbon had scheduled some great events for the weekend but unfortunately some of them either failed or had to be abandoned.  This event was planned prior to The Covid-19 Pandemic and the numerous lockdowns but we finally got it on the calendar.

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Competition 5 - Sport and Open

Competition results for our fifth competition of 2023 - Sport and Open. Our judge was Brian Basham. As we no longer advise scores we will only be presenting the award winners. We do still receive scores from the judge so if you would like your score please contact Tania, our competition steward via and she will let you know.

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Competition 4 - After Dark and Open

Competition results for our fourth competition of 2023 - After Dark and Open. Our judge was Gary Smith. As we no longer advise scores we will only be presenting the award winners. We do still receive scores from the judge so if you would like your score please contact Tania, our competition steward via and she will let you know.

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Light Painting Altona Beach

It was expected to be a cold and wet night for our light painting photo shoot at Altona Beach. Many of us rugged up with thermals, beanies, warm jackets and gumboots ready for the big wet chill, but it didn’t happen. Hardly a breath of wind, not a drop of rain and you could almost call it a balmy night. So instead of freezing we got quite toasty.

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Light Painting Workshop Handout

Light painting is a lot of fun and gets your creative juices flowing to see what different and interesting patterns you can produce. Here are some tips for our light painting photo shoot on Tuesday 27th June.

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Workshop: Portraiture

A look at the upcoming portraiture course by our in-house portrait team. More details to come.

Entries due for competition 5: Landscape and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
13th August 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: You Yangs Visit

Let's take a short trip to the You Yangs Regional Park and capture an array of images: Landscapes, intimate landscapes, macro, etc

You Yangs Regional Park
18th August 2024 10:00 am

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