
Tom Putt's Aerial Photography

If you didn't make it to the club last night to view Tom Putt's presentation you really missed out. We've had Tom present at our club numerous times over the years and we've been fortunate enough to watch his progression through different genres of photography. His current passion of Aerial Abstract Landscape Photography is something he really excels at, especially for someone who is scared of heights.

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Yarra Valley Day Trip 2018

It took a while to fully organise our Yarra Valley outing as there were so many opportunities for interesting visits for photographers in this beautiful and generous part of Victoria and only so many hours in a day.

We started in Lilydale where we gathered in a very nice cafe, “Gracious Grace”, right next to the Yarra Ranges Regional Museum. The owner seemed slightly worried when we arrived. Two by two or one by one, 17 members used nearly all the chairs on the terrace! Then she was reassured that all we needed was a good coffee and some cake.

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Routinely Unseen

Member Françoise Muller-Robbie made a post to Facebook the other day that had me intrigued and filled me with awe.

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Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens

Twenty members attended the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Gardens on Saturday 8th September.  Rhododendrons highlighted the floral display in the gardens, previously known as the National Rhododendron Gardens, in many different colours and massive blooms.

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2018 Comp 5 - Creative Preproduction & Open

Who knew you could do so much in camera, our members did so well with the Creative Preproduction Set Subject in Round 5 of Competition. The images entered in the Open Category were also of high calibre. Read on to see the results.

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Echuca Weekend 2018

On the weekend starting Friday August 3rd, more than 30 members and partners made our way to Echuca, a town on the Victorian/New South Wales border, for an adventure in photography and comradery. After a wet drive, we met up for dinner at the Echuca Hotel.

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Workshop: Portraiture

A look at the upcoming portraiture course by our in-house portrait team. More details to come.

Entries due for competition 5: Landscape and Open

Walker Close Community Centre
13th August 2024 7:30 pm
Photo Shoot: You Yangs Visit

Let's take a short trip to the You Yangs Regional Park and capture an array of images: Landscapes, intimate landscapes, macro, etc

You Yangs Regional Park
18th August 2024 10:00 am

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