By James Troi - 14th November, 2019 filed in Meeting Notes
Our Tuesday night meeting welcomed the annual Paper Bag Challenge. A night where members are presented with a mystery item and are asked to create an image with that item. Over the years members have become wise to the madness and bring along props that may or may not work with the mystery item. It's a great night that tests our abilities to think on the spot and make images with the presented item, props brought in, and found items and locations around us.
This year, it was all about the PEG.
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By James Troi - 13th November, 2019 filed in How To
Most have probably already heard of SLR Lounge, they offer a great range of tutorials and editorial for photography.
I recently came across two of their videos from the Lighting 101 course that I think would be extremely valuable to our members, and may be an enticement to take a look at their full course.
These are simple set-ups that will cost you a lot less than getting fancy studio lighting. You can get reflectors pretty cheaply on AliExpress or Ebay. Search for "Collapsable Reflector". Just note that they can both have long lead times on delivery, sometimes up to 60-days so order early! If you're working alone, you may also want to grab a few reflector holders too.
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By Tania Chalmers - 22nd October, 2019 filed in Competition Results
Our judge for this competition was Jean-Philippe Weibel (JP), a member for the Caulfield Photographic Society since 1987. Jean-Philippe has been a judge for CPS, VAPS, and is a Licentiate-accredited member and Vice-President of the APJA.
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By James Troi - 15th September, 2019 filed in Shoot Reports
What a day! The weather was divine. The members showed up and so did all of Williamstown! The good weather brought out people en masse and our original venue was flooded with humans, so a last minute change in venue was required.
Thankfully, our members have better knowledge of Williamstown than I do, David Male directed me to a hidden spot behind Seaworks and it was decided we'd move to there, abandoning our initial venue, Commonwealth Reserve.
I remained for a short time to redirect late-comers while our members explored our new location and found areas they'd like to use for the shoot. Our new location had plenty to offer. At around 3pm we started to work with our location, checking the settings we might require once the models arrived.
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By Tania Chalmers - 12th September, 2019 filed in Competition Results
Our set subject this round of competition made for some great images, even if people found "Domesticity" a little hard to pronounce. Our judge Lisa Law was intrigued by the subject. Our open images also stood out this round. Our members producing some beautiful work.
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By Werner Stauber - 27th August, 2019 filed in Shoot Reports
I would like to say to all who were unable to attend our second weekend trip of the year, you missed a beautiful weekend.
The drive to Phillip Island was surprisingly quick, taking just over two hours to reach.
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By James Troi - 14th August, 2019 filed in Meeting Notes
Last night we left the meeting hall behind and hit the beach. Seemed like it might be a silly thing to do on a cold winter's night, but none-the-less, that was the plan, and thankfully a large contingent of members decided to join us in our madness.
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By - 27th July, 2019 filed in Competition Results
We had a few folks from the club travel over to see the results of the Knox Photographic Society Monochrome Inter-club competition. The Competition is an invite only and we are one of 7 clubs that participate in the KPS - Monochrome competition.
Our results were outstanding
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By Tania Chalmers - 25th July, 2019 filed in Competition Results
An array of great images was on display in this latest round of competition. Our judge Tony Harding mentioned that he even learned a little while researching our set subject. Congrats to our winners and place-getters.
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By Gayle Tout - 8th July, 2019 filed in Shoot Reports
The Mt. Macedon Fungi Hunt was attended by 35 members and family on 7th July. We were very fortunate as the weather was kind to us, only turning in the afternoon.
After meeting at Mcgregors Picnic Ground in Mt Macedon, and receiving some pointers from Neil Anderson, we set out in all directions from the car park on the hunt for local fungi. Most stayed close, others went a little further afield.
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