I've been loving the work of Albert Dros I came across on Flickr. Amazingly beautiful landscapes. Check them out on his Flickr Photostream.
I've been loving the work of Albert Dros I came across on Flickr. Amazingly beautiful landscapes. Check them out on his Flickr Photostream.
The judging for our 3rd competition "Open" & "Blue" was held via Zoom. Our judge, Adrian Smith, provided comments that Tania, our Competition Steward, read while we displayed the images. Note, only digital images are being judged due to the COVID-19 restrictions.
If you missed the Zoom meeting, you also missed our discussion as a group where we talked about some of the images that stood out or those we thought maybe had been misinterpreted by the judge. We've kind of agreed that we might like to do this going forward.
Can you believe it! On Sunday May 31 we had our first outing in what seems like forever and we took it back to an old favourite: Mount Macedon and its fungi.
Around 20 of us met up at Days Camp Ground, Lions Head Road, Mount Macedon. Breaking into a couple of groups to ensure we maintained the correct social distancing; as required because of this crazy pandemic that currently grips the world. We were all grateful to be out of our homes and seeing each other in person once more.
Thanks to everyone who came to our meeting tonight, we had about 41 people at the peak.
Imran's talk was quite enjoyable as he regaled us with his adventures in photography.
Our judge for this competition was Sam Mariani. This is the competition that was interrupted by the breakout of the COVID-19 virus and likely our final for the year that will include Print entries. Congrats to all or winners and place-getters. Quite the wonderful array of images.
Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.
Our fourth challenge is "Painting with Light".
Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.
Our third challenge is "Macro or Close Up".
Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.
Our second challenge is "Oil and Water".
Via our Facebook Group we are running a series of weekly photo challenges to engage our members through this time of 'social-distancing' while our meetings are restricted to online only.
Our first challenge is "Through an Object". Return to this page the following Thursday to see the results from our members.
Our judge for this competition was Lisa Law. We see from the results that those who moved from B-Grade to A are certainly making themselves known in the new grade, and it has opened the B-Grade to a whole new pool of winners and place-getters. Congrats to all.
Details of the presentation to be advised
Entries due for competition 6: Negative Space and Open
Walker Close Community CentreSubmit your photos for our Image Evaluation meeting. In groups we will take a look at each others' images and provide constructive critique of the works.
The intention of the evening is to learn to give and receive critique using the judging guidelines of the APJA, the group which trains the judges we have judge our competitions.
Walker Close Community Centre